Super Raider Attributes

Our Students have opportunities to demonstrate "Super Raider" attributes every day while on campus and in class:

  • S for Self-Directed: Students demonstrate they are responsible for their own learning

  • U for Uses Technology: Students demonstrate they use variety of technology effectively and ethically

  • P for Problem Solver: Students demonstrate they engage in complex thinking and show resourcefulness

  • E for Effective: Students communicate effectively

  • R for Relationships: Students get along well with others

  • R for Respectful: Students respect teachers, self, others/peers, authority, and environment

  • A for Attitude: Demonstrates a positive growth mindset attitude

  • I for Inspiration: Students are resilient; use a positive approach to solving problems, encourage other to do their best

  • D for Disciplined: Students are self-motivated, follow school and classroom rules

  • E for Effort: Students recognize quality performance and produces quality products

  • R for Responsible: Students take ownership of actions, obligations, and commitments on time. Return books and materials that were assigned for the year.